Karen Williams

A Good Faith Estimate (GFE) is an estimate provided by a healthcare provider to a patient who is paying out-of-pocket or who does not have insurance. The GFE is required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and it outlines the expected costs associated with a medical procedure or service. The estimate includes information such as the cost of the procedure, any additional fees or charges, and an estimate of the patient’s out-of-pocket expenses. The purpose of the GFE is to provide patients with transparency and to help them make informed decisions about their healthcare options. It is important to note that the GFE is only an estimate and actual costs may vary based on a variety of factors.

Karen Williams, LCSW-R, CASAC has committed to providing a Good Faith Estimate (GFE) for every client who seeks therapy services. This means that before beginning any therapy sessions, Karen Williams will provide an estimate of the costs associated with the services that the client requires. The GFE will outline the expected costs of the therapy sessions, including any fees or charges that may apply, as well as an estimate of the client’s out-of-pocket expenses. This information is intended to provide transparency and help clients make informed decisions about their healthcare options. By providing a GFE, Karen Williams aims to ensure that her clients have a clear understanding of the costs associated with their therapy services, and can plan accordingly.